Teeth Grinding in Children - Symptoms and Causes

Sleep Bruxism or Teeth Grinding as we commonly refer to it, is a common problem in children. In one study,” Overall, 36.8% of preschool respondents reported bruxists at least one night a week, and 6.7% the children responded bruxists for more than four nights a week. Conversely, 49.6% of first-graders reported experience teeth grinding at least one night per week, and 10.7% children reported teeth grinding for more than four nights a week. ” As the paper confirms, while some children experience teeth grinding for a limited period, others carry it into adulthood. Therefore, teeth grinding in children can create severe problems in future, so parents need to consult a dentist on time. Symptoms of Teeth Grinding It is difficult for parents to realise their child is teeth grinding as the symptoms can also relate to other ailments. The most common symptoms of teeth grinding can be: ● Headache ● Earache ● Jaw pain ● ...