An Expert Guide to Understanding Tooth Sensitivity
In our last blog, we covered the primary causes and dental treatments for tooth sensitivity. But in this blog, we will highlight how easily you can address the issue of teeth sensitivity yourself.
8 Common Causes and Solutions of Tooth Sensitivity
1. Incorrect brushing:
Brushing with force or using a hard bristled toothbrush, both cause the wear down of the protective layer of the teeth. This results in exposure to dental nerves. In extreme temperatures, the tooth starts experiencing pain.
A very simple solution to this is to use a soft toothbrush and brush gently.
2. Consumption of acidic food:
Consuming foods with highly acidic contents like citrus fruits, and tomatoes leads to enamel erosion.
We will recommend you avoid such foods. Instead, you can prefer consuming fibre and milk-rich foods
3. Tooth grinding:
If you are a habitual tooth grinder, there are high chances that your enamel will wear down.
Consult a good dentist who customises a mouth guard for you in this case.
4. Use of tooth whitening products:
Normally all the whitening products use bleaching or chemical products. Regular use of these will start harming the teeth. So we will recommend you limit their use.
5. Prolonged use of mouthwash
Mouthwashes mostly contain alcohol and other harmful chemicals that increase tooth sensitivity. Here again, we will recommend other herbal alternatives.
6. Presence of gum diseases
Our gums start receding with age. This will again expose the nerve ends, increasing tooth sensitivity. If you have gum disease which is creating tooth sensitivity, so we will recommend you to consult a dentist
7. In the case of fillings
With time, the fillings start getting worn off. So it’s easy for any bacteria to accumulate in such areas, eventually causing enamel breakdown. Replacing the fillings is the only solution, so we will recommend you to visit your dentist.
8. Presence of plaque
An excessive plaque that builds up on teeth causes the enamel to wear away. A visit to your dentist can save you from tooth sensitivity.
In certain cases, patients get relief from changing their toothpaste. But even after changing toothpaste, you are not getting any relief. You really need to consult a dentist.
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