
Showing posts from December, 2022

Painless Best Dental Implant in Gurgaon

 Mere imagination of pain stops several patients from visiting their dentists for crucial dental procedures. However, painless dental procedures like dental implants are quite common now. So, if you are also among those patients who are looking for painless dental implant services in Gurgaon , then this blog is for you. What is Dental Implant? A dental implant is a common dental procedure to fix your missing tooth/teeth. A titanium post is surgically inserted into the jawbone (under the gum) to act as a tooth root. After insertion, an implantologist attaches a crown on top of the implant that gives an appearance of a real tooth. Moreover, these dental implants look and work exactly like real teeth. Why Dental Implants Injury, accidents, trauma, tooth decay, dental gum disease and poor oral hygiene can cause tooth loss. Untreated tooth loss can cause several issues: ● Unclear speech ● Chewing difficulty ● Face looks wrinkled and aged ● Poor bite ● Mouth odour as food starts accumulatin

When to Visit a Prosthodontic Instead of a General Dentist

  A bit of advice from the best Prosthodontics in Gurgaon.   Most patients with dental problems find it difficult to consult the right stream of dentistry for their problems. In today’s blog, the best prosthodontist in Gurgaon will brief the reasons why a patient should need to visit prosthodontics instead of a general dentist.   Reasons for Visiting Prosthodontics   Here are the dental problems and their solutions that prosthodontics can fix.   Replacing Lost Tooth   The loss of a natural tooth affects the appearance of a person. There can be many causes of tooth loss - injury and ageing. However, apart from causing difficulty in chewing, a patient experiences low confidence and avoids smiling in public.   Solution: Crown, partial denture and dental implant can fix the problem for a lifetime. As a result, the patient finds freedom from embarrassment and finds freedom from chewing problems. Aesthetica Dentals is the best dental implant in Gur