
Schedule your Smile Makeover at Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon

Is your wedding day approaching closer and you are all set to say ‘I do’? While you might have got your wedding dress, venue and catering services sorted out, there is one more thing that will add up to your wedding bliss. Do you know what it is? It's your smile that can capture hearts and brighten up the whole wedding festivities. But how do you get those 32 beauties sparkling white? Most of you will say by visiting a dental clinic in Gurgaon. Well, you have guessed it right! Here in this blog, we mention a few tips that you can follow to address the common dental issues:   Book a Routine Wellness Checkup Firstly, you should schedule a consultation in one of the best dental clinics in Gurgaon to get a smile makeover before your big day. The dentist will suggest a few basic procedures, such as bleaching, filing and cleaning, that may require a few sittings. On the contrary, for bigger treatments such as orthodontic treatments that may even take up to a year, you need to buck up an

How Dental Care in Gurgaon Can Boost Your Confidence

 A radiant smile can work wonders for your self-confidence. The science of smiles reveals how our brains process emotions and regulate moods, demonstrating that a simple smile can significantly impact how we feel about ourselves. For those in Gurgaon looking to enhance their smiles, the role of a quality dental clinic is crucial. This blog explores how dental care can boost your self-esteem and why Aesthetica Dentals is a top choice for achieving that perfect smile. The Science Behind Smiling and Confidence Smiling and Mood Enhancement When we smile, our brains release serotonin, which lifts our mood. People who smile during challenging tasks feel less stress and more satisfaction. Additionally, smiling releases dopamine, associated with pleasure, providing both emotional and physiological benefits. Smiling and Social Interaction Smiling is a powerful way to convey positive emotions and build connections. When we smile at someone, it often results in a reciprocal smile, fostering rappo

How Early Can I Go For Dental Implants After Tooth Extraction

If you've recently lost a tooth or had one extracted, you may be wondering about the best time to for new dental implant. But how soon can you get a dental implant post-extraction? Let's answer this burning question.     The Aftermath of Tooth Loss Upon losing a tooth, the first thing most people notice is the visible gap. But, beneath the surface, the absence of tooth roots can lead to the deterioration of the underlying jawbone. This can compromise the stability of surrounding teeth and even make them more prone to extraction. Moreover, the adjacent teeth may start shifting towards the gap, leading to potential alignment and bite issues. Conditions such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or chronic teeth grinding can also arise from such misalignments. However, opting for dental implants at a renowned dental clinic in Gurgaon like Aesthetica Dentals can thwart these complications. Dental Implants: after tooth extraction The timeline between extraction and implantation

Top 5 Reasons to Choose the Best Root Canal Treatment in Gurgaon

 Have you been experiencing shooting tooth pain lately and have you been recommended for a root canal treatment by your dentist? But scared to give it a nod because of the painful procedure you heard it is? Then it's time for you to see an endodontist at the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon . Our specialized endodontists use modern equipment to save your teeth and make your visit simple and pleasant. What is root canal treatment? Also called endodontics, it is a dental procedure that involves the treatment of the inflammation of soft pulp tissues at the center of the tooth. There could be many reasons for pulp inflammation, including deep decay, cracked teeth, or trauma. The procedure is safe and a better alternative to tooth extraction Benefits of choosing the best root canal treatment in Gurgaon 1. Painless procedure There is a wrong notion that root canal treatment is painful. With the help of an experienced endodontist and dental technologies, we make the process simple an

Tackling Bad Breath: The Road to Freshness Starts at Aesthetica Dentals in Gurgaon

We've all been there. That awkward moment when someone discreetly offers you a mint or when you're too conscious to go up-close and personal in a conversation, fearing your breath might just ruin the moment. Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, can be more than just a social embarrassment, it can sometimes signal underlying health issues.   Why Does Bad Breath Happen? There's a myriad of reasons for bad breath. From the spicy biryani you had for lunch, the coffee you drink every morning, to gum diseases and more profound health conditions. While the gum and mints industry keeps booming, masking the problem isn't a solution. To address bad breath effectively, it's essential to get to its root cause. The Dental Connection A significant part of bad breath concerns links back to dental health. If you're one of those who's been wondering about the best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon to address your halitosis issues, you're in luck. Gurgaon has some of

The Role of the Dentists in a Smile Makeover

 A smiling face doesn't need any makeup. A beautiful smile effortlessly attracts attention and leaves an enigmatic effect on others. Whereas most of us understand the relevance of smile, still, only a few people invest in their smile. Yes, you read it right. All of us can redesign our smile with a simple smile makeover procedure. Smile makeover procedure is conducted by dentists, which involves two or four sittings. Let us understand the meaning of smile makeover in detail. What are Smile Makeovers? Smile makeover involves a process of enhancing the smile esthetically by combining various cosmetic dental procedures, including braces, teeth whitening Dental veneers etc. While a dentist performs a smile makeover, they take facial structure, teeth, gum contours and lips into consideration during the examination. A smile makeover can do wonders with your personality. Improved smiles can uplift your confidence and make people fall for your smile. What dental flaws are addressed with Sm

Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist in Gurgaon: What You Should Know

A smile is the first impression you make. A beautiful smile elevates your appearance and gives you more confidence. But not everyone is blessed with a charming smile. Even a tiny smile imperfection is enough to low esteem your confidence. At Aesthetica Dentals, we work with the top cosmetic Dentist in Gurgaon to make you regain your infectious smile. Cosmetic dentistry not only helps to improve your teeth's appearance but also oral health problems and improper biting, both of which impact your overall health. What does a Cosmetic Dentist do? A cosmetic dentist can improve the aesthetic of your teeth and smile through various dental procedures. Apart from replacing and restoring damaged teeth, they offer tooth whitening, tooth bonding, tooth-colored fillings, restorations, porcelain veneers, and dental implants. How to choose the best cosmetic Dentist near you? As Cosmetic dentistry is an advanced procedure, you must do a little research before choosing one. Qualification and Trai